The easiest way to improve communications across all levels of an organization.
Improve employee engagement to build a stronger culture and give all staff access to the information they need, anywhere they need it.
Higher engagement means better outcomes.
According to a study published in the journal of Applied Gerontology, long-term care facilities with high levels of employee engagement had better resident outcomes, including lower rates of falls and hospitalizations.
Niuz for front-line staff
With Niuz, front-line staff from any department can easily find important information like events and updates, recognition and kudos, even critical documents.
The daily details they need, anytime they need it, at their fingertips.
Niuz is a great way for everyone to communicate and is very user friendly.
I’ve used it to post all the events happening in the home!
Admissions Coordinator
Niuz for managers and directors
When you’ve got dozens of staff working shifts spread out across an organization, keeping everyone up-to-date is a never-ending challenge.
Niuz helps solve that challenge by keeping management and staff connected, whether that’s in one location, or one hundred.
I enjoy using the app and have found NIUZ user-friendly. It gives me this chance to post my educational posts and announcements.
Staff Development Coordinator
Niuz for owners & administrators
Niuz is an engagement and communication platform designed to help management stay in touch with every level of their organization by enabling them to share regularly and easily.
Staff are more engaged – shows by likes and comments – and onboarding new staff is a lot faster and easier.
Executive Director
Ready to get started?
Build a stronger culture by improving the ability to communicate across your entire organization.